Minggu, 10 Juni 2012



Tanggung jawab menurut kamus umum Bahasa Indonesia adalah, keadaan wajib menanggung segala sesuatunya. Sehingga bertanggung jawab menurut kamus Bahasa Indonesia adalah berkewajiban menanggung, memikul jawab,mananggung segala sesuatunya, atau memberikan jawab dan menanggung akibatnya. 
Tanggung jawab adalah kesadaran manusia akan tingkah laku atau perbuatan yang disengaja maupun yang tidak di sengaja. Tanggung jawab juga berarti berbuat sebagai perwujudan kesadaran akan kewajibannya.
Tanggung jawab itu bersifat kodrati, artinya sudah menjadi bagian kehidupan manusia, bahwa setiap manusia pasti dibebani dengan tanggung jawab. Apabila ia tidak mau bertanggung jawab, maka ada pihak lain yang memaksakan tanggung jawab itu. Dengan demikian tanggung jawab itu dapat dilihat dari dua sisi, yaitu dari sisi pihak yang berbuat dan dari sisi kepentingan pihak lain.
Tanggung jawab adalah ciri manusia beradab (berbudaya). Manusia merasa bertanggung jawab karena ia menyadari akibat baik atau buruk perbuatannya itu, dan menyadari pula bahwa pihak lain memerlukan mengabdian atau pengorbanannya. Untuk memperoleh atau meningkatkan kesadaran bertanggung jawab perlu ditempuh usaha melalui pendidikan, penyuluhan, keteladanan, dan takwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.

Tanggung jawab itu dapat dibedakan menurut keadaan manusia atau hubungan yang dibuatnya.
 Atas dasar ini, lalu dikenal beberapa jenis tanggung jawab, yaitu :

A. Tanggung Jawab Terhadap Diri Sendiri
Tanggung jawab terhadap diri sendiri menuntut kesadaran setiapp orang untuk memenuhi kewajibannya sendiri dalam mengembangkan kepribadian sebagai manusia pribadi. Dengan demikian bisa memecahkan masalah-masalah kemanusian mengenai dirinya sendiri. Contohnya: Rudi membaca sambil berjalan. Meskipun sebentar-bentar ia melihat ke jalan tetap juga ia lengah dan terperosok ke sebuah lubang. Ia harus beristirahat diruma beberapa hari. Konsekuensi tinggal dirumah beberapa hari merupakan tanggung jawab ia sendiri akan kelengahannya.

B. Tanggung Jawab kepada Keluarga
Keluarga merupakan masyarakat kecil. Keluarga terdiri dari suami-istri, ayah-ibu dan anak-anak, dan juga orang lain yang menjadi anggota keluarga. Tiap anggota keluarga wajib bertanggung jawab kepada keluarganya. Tanggung jawab ini menyangkut nama baik keluarga. Tetapi tanggung jawab juga merupakan kesejahteraan, keselamatan, pendidikan, dan kehidupan. Contohnya: Dalam sebuah keluarga biasanya memiliki peraturan-peraturan sendiri yang bersifat mendidik, suatu hal peraturan tersebut dilanggar oleh salah satu anggota keluarga. Sebagai kepala keluarga (Ayah) berhak menegur atau bahkan memberi hukuman. Hukuman tersebut merupakan tanggung jawab terhadap perbuatannya. 

C. Tanggung Jawab terhadap Masyarakat
Pada hakekatnya manusia tidak bisa hidup tanpa bantuan manusia lain, sesuai dengan kedudukannya sebagai makhluk sosial. Karena membutuhkan manusia lain maka ia harus berkomunikasi denhan manusia lain tersebut. Sehingga dengan demikian manusia di sini merupakan anggota masyarakat yang tentunya mempunyai tanggung jawab tersebut. Wajarlah apabila segala tingkah laku dan perbuatannya harus dipertanggung jawabkan kepada masyarakat. Contohnya: Safi’i terlalu congkak dan sombong, ia mengejek dan menghina orang lain yang mungkin lebih sederhana dari pada dia. Karena ia termasuk dalam orang yang keya dikampungnya. Ia harus bertanggung jawab atas kelakuannya tersebut. Sebagai konsekuensi dari kelakuannya tersebut, Safi’i dijauhi oleh masyarakat sekitar. 

D. Tanggung Jawab Terhadap Bangsa dan Negara
Suatu kenyataan lagi, bahwa setiiap manusia, tiap individu adalah warga negara suatu negara. Dalam berfikir, berbuat, bertindak, bertinggah laku manusia terikat oleh norma-norma atau ukuran-ukuran yang dibuat oleh negara. Manusia tidak dapat berbuat semaunya sendiri. Bila perbuatan manusia itu salah, maka ia harus bertanggung jawab kepada negara. Contohnya: Dalam novel “Jalan Tak Ada Ujung” karya Muchtar Lubis, Guru Isa yang terkenal sebagai guru yang baik, terpaksa mencuri barang-barang milik sekolah demi rumah tangganya. Perbuatan guru Isa ini harus pula dipertanggungjawabkan kepada pemerintah, kali perbuatan itu diketahui ia harus berurusan dengan pihak kepolisian dan pengadilan.

E. Tanggung Jawab Terhadap Allah Swt
Allah SWT menciptakan manusia di bumi ini bukanlah tanpa tanggung jawab, melainkan untuk mengisi kehidupannya, manusia mempunyai tanggung jawab langsung terhadap perintah Allah SWT. Sehingga tindakan atau perbuatan manusia tidak bisa lepas dari pengawasan Allah SWT yang dituangkan dalam kitab suci AlQur'an melalui agama islam. Pelanggaran dari hukuman-hukuman tersebut akan segera diperingati oleh Allah dan jika dengan peringatan yang keraspun manusia masih juga tidak menghiraukannya maka Allah akan melakukan kutukan. Contohnya: Seorang muslim yang taat kepada agamanya maka ia bertanggung jawab terhadap dirinya sendiri dan kepada Allah. Karena ia menghindari hukuman yang akan ia terima jika tidak taat pada ajaran agama. kedua yang harus dilakukan seorang muslim kepada Allah SWT, adalah memiliki rasa tanggung jawab atas amanah yang diberikan padanya. Karena pada hakekatnya,kehidupan inipun merupakan amanah dari Allah SWT. Oleh karenanya, seorang
mukmin senantiasa meyakini, apapun yang Allah berikan padanya, maka itu merupakan amanah yang kelak akan dimintai pertanggung jawaban dari Allah.

C.Contoh Artikel 

Tanggung jawab negara merupakan salah satu isu penting yang selalu dibahas dalam hukum internasional. Hal ini dikarenakan negara merupakan subyek hukum utama dalam hukum internasional. Atas alasan itulah mengapa komisi hukum internasional (international law commission/ILC) mencoba melakukan studi dan kodifikasi perihal tanggung jawab negara. Upaya tersebut pada akhirnya hanya berbuah sebuah draft konvensi yaitu draft Articles on the Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts, yang diadopsi pada tahun 2001.

Dalam hukum internasional, tanggung jawab negara diartikan sebagai kewajiban yang harus dilakukan oleh negara kepada negara lain berdasarkan perintah hukum internasional.[1] Sederhananya, apabila suatu negara tidak memenuhi kewajiban yang dibebabkan kepadanya berdasarkan hukum internasional maka ia dapat dimintakan tanggung jawab. Akan tetapi faktanya tidak semudah itu sebab sulit untuk menilai apakah negara telah lalai atau tidak melaksanakan kewajibanya.

Untuk dapat menilai, maka yang perlu diperhatikan adalah soal tindakan sebuah negara. Dalam hukum internasional, tindakan negara dapat dibedakan antara tindakan negara dalam kapasitas publik (iure imperium) dan privat (iure gestiones). Konsep tanggung jawab negara pun sebenarnya lahir sebagai upaya untuk membedakan tindakan negara yang bersifat publik atau perdata.[2] Hal inilah yang kemudian diadopsi dalam draf konvensi tanggung jawab negara, pasal 1, yaitu: “Every internationally wrongful act of a state entails the international responsibility of that state.”

Kategorisasi tindakan negara yang salah sehingga dapat menimbulkan tanggung jawab adalah ketika suatu tindakan atau pembiaran (action/omission) itu melekat pada negara berdasarkan hukum internasional dan melanggar kewajiban internasional negara.[3] Unsur atribusi menjadi bagian penting untuk menilai apakah tindakan negara yang salah itu dilakukan dalam kapasitas publik atau perdata. Sebab salah satu tujuan dibuatnya rancangan konvensi tanggung jawab negara adalah untuk menyoroti tindakan negara dalam ruang publik.

Unsur atribusi sulit untuk dibuktikan karena tindakan atau pembiaran negara dilakukan oleh agen atau aparatusnya. Hal ini dikarenakan negara adalah entitas abstrak. Jika demikian apakah tanggung jawab atas kesalahan secara internasional tetap dapat dimintakan pertanggungjawabannya kepada sesuatu yang abstrak? Perihal inilah yang kemudian diatur dalam Pasal 4 -11 draft konvensi tanggung jawab negara. Pada pokoknya, tindakan atau pembiaran yang dilakukan aparatus negara dalam kapasitasnya menjalankan kebijakan negara yang menyalahi hukum internasional maka negara dapat dimintakan tanggung jawab.

Konsep tindakan negara yang diatribusi kepada tindakan aparatus negara ini menimbulkan suatu keadaan dilematis jika dikaitkan dengan hukum pidana internasional. Persoalanya adalah dalam hukum pidana internasional yang menjadi subyek pengaturan adalah individu bukan negara. Rezim hukum pidana internasional lahir dikarenakan adanya kehendak masyarakat internasional agar pelaku tindak pidana internasional tidak dapat melepaskan tanggung jawabnya dengan dalih melakukan kebijakan negara.

Padahal dalam konsep tanggung jawab negara, aparat negara melakukan perbuatanya berdasarkan kebijakan negara. Oleh karena itu, apakah tanggung jawab negara yang timbul karena melakukan kesalahan berdasarkan hukum internasional melepaskan tanggung jawab individu aparat negara tersebut?

Praktik hukum internasional sejak berakhirnya perang dunia kedua menunjukan secara jelas bahwa individu dapat dimintakan tanggung jawab secara pribadi atas perbuatan yang dilakukanya saat menjabat posisi tertentu. Pengadilan Nurnberg tahun 1945 mencontohkan bahwa para penjahat perang dikenakan tanggung jawab secara pribadi meskipun mereka berdalih hanya melaksanakan kebijakan negara. Pengadilan-pengadilan ad-hoc seperti International Criminal Tribunal For the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) tahun 1993 dan International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda tahun 1994 juga dibentuk untuk menyeret para pelaku tindak pidana internasional untuk bertanggungjawab secara individual.

Pada akhirnya, penegasan komitmen masyarakat internasional untuk agar tiap individu bertanggungjawab atas tindak pidana internasional yang dilakukannya dikukuhkan melalui pembentukan pengadilan permanen pidana internasional, International Criminal Court (ICC) pada tahun 1998 melalui statuta Roma dan mulai efektif pada 1 Juli 2002.


D. Pendapat saya mengenai Tanggung Jawab
Manusia adalah makhluk yang luar biasa. Manusia merupakan paduan antara makhluk material dan makhluk spiritual. dinamika manusia tidak tinggal diam saja, karena manusia sebagai dinamika selalu mengaktivisasikan dirinya untuk bertanggung jawab apa yang sudah dilakukannya, baik kepada hal-hal yang positif maupun kepada hal-hal yang negatif.
Tanggung jawab adalah kesadaran manusia akan tingkah laku atau perbuatan yang disengaja maupun yang tidak di sengaja. Tanggung jawab juga berarti berbuat sebagai perwujudan kesadaran akan kewajiban diri seseorang.
Tanggung jawab dapat dapat disimpulkan sebagai wujud akan kesadaran untuk mempertanggung jawabkan perbuatannya sendiri. Arti tanggung jawab di atas semestinya sangat mudah untuk dimengerti oleh setiap orang. Tetapi jika kita diminta untuk melakukannya sesuai dengan definisi tanggung jawab tadi, maka seringkali masih merasa sulit, merasa keberatan, bahkan ada orang yang merasa tidak sanggup jika diberikan kepadanya suatu tanggung jawab. Kebanyakan orang mengelak bertanggung jawab, karena jauh lebih mudah untuk “menghindari” tanggung jawab, daripada “menerima” tanggung jawab.

Banyak orang mengelak bertanggung jawab, karena memang lebih mudah menggeser tanggung jawabnya, daripada berdiri dengan berani dan menyatakan dengan tegas bahwa, “Ini tanggung jawab saya!” Banyak orang yang sangat senang dengan melempar tanggung jawabnya ke pundak orang lain.
Oleh karena itulah muncul satu peribahasa, “lempar batu sembunyi tangan”. Sebuah peribahasa yang mengartikan seseorang yang tidak berani bertanggung jawab atas perbuatannya sendiri, sehingga dia membiarkan orang lain menanggung beban tanggung jawabnya. Bisa juga diartikan sebagai seseorang yang lepas tanggung jawab, dan suka mencari “kambing hitam” untuk menyelamatkan dirinya sendiri dari perbuatannya yang merugikan orang lain.

135 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

Terimakasih.. Sangat membantu kak🙏

Unknown mengatakan...

Bagaimn Caranya untuk rasa ingin bertanggung jawab terhadap masyarakat

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Jamess mengatakan...

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Do whatever it takes not to worry over it and simply approach the QuickBooks Tech Support Number to get it fixed. QuickBooks Tech Support Phone Number is the fundamental dependable number which is giving certified Tech Support Services from the past 8 years.

Bryan Willson mengatakan...

The services of QuickBooks Desktop Support Number requires just a few minutes in order to connect and offer the remote access support, then, the CPA will log into the customer's QuickBooks to coach customers, review the client's publications and, if suitable, input alterations and adjustments and certainly will fix your errors.

Jamess mengatakan...

QuickBooks Enterprise Support accounting for your needs. So as to make your QuickBooks Enterprise software error free, contact us at an get related to us in minutes. before calling us, all you have to do is always to make sure that you have a very good web connection and you're clearly competent to here us clearly before calling us. You are able to cherish our above-mentioned beneficial services at the most affordable price on just a call.

Blogsilly mengatakan...

QuickBooks Customer Care Telephone Number: Readily Available For every QuickBooks Version.Consist of a beautiful bunch of accounting versions, viz.,QuickBooks Pro, QuickBooks Premier, QuickBooks Enterprise, QuickBooks POS, QuickBooks Mac, QuickBooks Windows, and QuickBooks Payroll, QuickBooks has grown to become a dependable accounting software that one may tailor depending on your industry prerequisite. As well as it, our QuickBooks Canada Support will bring in dedicated and diligent back-end helps for you for in case you find any inconveniences in operating any of these versions.

jameswill11 mengatakan...

To know more about QuickBooks Payroll Support provided by us, you can reach to our certified QuickBooks Payroll Technical Support Number. We provide every assistance on QuickBooks Payroll Support. Our team is there round the clock for you to solve your queries.

kevin2 mengatakan...

Get on the spot Intuit QuickBooks Tech Support Number for rectifying the technical glitches:
Give a call at quickbooks support contact number, if you are encountering any difficulties which are mentioned above.

Blogsilly mengatakan...

QuickBooks Customer Care Telephone Number: Readily Available For every QuickBooks Version.Consist of a beautiful bunch of accounting versions, viz.,QuickBooks Pro, QuickBooks Premier, QuickBooks Enterprise, QuickBooks POS, QuickBooks Mac, QuickBooks Windows, and QuickBooks Payroll, QuickBooks has grown to become a dependable accounting software that one may tailor depending on your industry prerequisite. As well as it, our QuickBooks Technical Support Number will bring in dedicated and diligent back-end helps for you for in case you find any inconveniences in operating any of these versions.

kevin32 mengatakan...

And in addition using this, our QuickBooks technical support team has much knowledge and information about QuickBooks Tech Support Number tools such as QuickBooks database server manager and many more. Many users always think about QuickBooks journal entry that just how to easily create.

tom wick mengatakan...

Intuit QuickBooks Support for all your versions are supplied under one-roof and it may be discussed by achieving the customer support number. The QuickBooks support phone number is toll-free in addition to professional technicians handling your support call can come up with an immediate solution that may permanently solve the glitches.

Bryan Willson mengatakan...

The applying has made the accounting easier for all and has helped them in managing and organizing business smartly and effectively. However, after having numerous of positive point, the software is inclined towards errors and bugs. If you are also looking for the solutions associated with the accounting software, we recommend one to contact QuickBooks Tech Support Number.

Blogsilly mengatakan...

QuickBooks (QB) is an accounting software developed by Intuit for small and medium-size businesses. With this software, you can track your business income and expenses, import and enter all bank transactions, track payments, sales, and inventory, prepare payrolls, store your customers’ and vendors’ information and much more. QuickBooks is a popular choice of many business owners because it allows to save much time and keep all finance-related information organized. However, if you or your accountants have never used it before, you will have to refer to QuickBooks Desktop Support Number to learn how to get the most out of this software. Also, you might encounter various technical issues while using this software. This is where Quickbooks Support can help you.

QuickBooks Support Phone Number mengatakan...

So don’t worry about this our excellent QuickBooks team give you every understanding of this topic also. But some Intuit QuickBooks Phone Number user always confused about something that which accounting software is the greatest and right option for their business. So here you choose to go.

jim carter mengatakan...

We warmly welcome you to get the best QuickBooks help support for QuickBooks accounting software. It will help you to expand your company. In case there is any error in QuickBooks, it really is highly important to fix it immediately. The QuickBooks Support Phone Number is toll-free as well as the professional technicians handling your support call can come up with a sudden solution that can permanently solve the glitches. We describe the perfect solutions by directly making contact to your U.S based certified Proadvisor, CPAs & accountant.

Mathew mengatakan...

Such as for example simply fixing your damaged QuickBooks company file by using QuickBooks Support Phone Number file doctor tool. And easily fix QuickBooks installation errors or problems with the utilization of wonderful QuickBooks install diagnostic tool.

steffan mengatakan...

QuickBooks Support Phone Number is supplied by technicians who are trained from time to time to meet with almost any queries linked to integrating QuickBooks Premier with Microsoft Office related software.

steffan mengatakan...

The QuickBooks Support Phone Number is toll-free plus the professional technicians handling your support call will come up with a sudden solution that will permanently solve the glitches.

qb enterprise support number mengatakan...

Hello, I loved the content of your blog. Your blog is so inspiring and knowledgeable. I am using QuickBooks as my accounting software and would recommend you too. It provides innovative solutions for personal and business accounting. You can also clear your queries on tollfree QuickBooks Technical Support Phone Number +1-888-238-7409. Visit us: - https://www.enetquickbookenterprise.com/quickbooks-technical-support/

Anonim mengatakan...

QuickBooks is one of the most renowned accounting software that offers a lot to all types of businesses. But as it is said even the moon has scars on it, QuickBooks does come with its share of errors, one of them is QuickBooks Error -6000 -77. The team at +1 800-674-9538 plays a very important role in eliminating these errors. Discussed below are the causes and solutions for this error. For More Visit: https://tinyurl.com/y6o3a3f8

Anonim mengatakan...

Very informative post! Thank you so much for presenting such a simple and precise post. I really liked the style and the way you have presented your post. QuickBooks is accounting software that helps in managing time. However, this software is prone to several glitches and snags, thus if you come across any you can call QuickBooks Support Phone Number 1-844-235-3996 for the best possible solutions.

Anonim mengatakan...

Wow! The presentation of the post is so amazing. It has all the relevant points that I was looking for. I am able to fetch solution for my problems. Hope you will post some more, looking forward. QuickBooks is one of the major accounting software which assists the business and entrepreneurs to perform their accounting and financial task in a seamless manner.For more guidance or need assistance if encountered by a bug or error you can simply contact QuickBooks support phone number 1-844-235-3996 We are available 24 x7 hours 365 days to assist you.

Anonim mengatakan...

Hey, your Post is amazing stuffed with quality information. For a fresher like me, the concept is easy to understand. The points can easily grab the attention of the readers. The post has reduced my stress and helped me in motivating. Those whare facing problem in managing time can download QuickBooks software. For any guidance call QuickBooks Support Phone number 1-844-235-3996. Your call will be answered by experts, who are available 24 x7 hours 365 days.

qb enterprise support number mengatakan...

Hey! What a remarkable blog. I really like your work, since it has all the properties of a good blog. Keep writing such a blog. QuickBooks is easy to use and highly customizable accounting software. You can easily install this software. You can even get instant help at QuickBooks Error Support Phone Number +1-888-238-7409. Visit us: - https://www.error.enetquickbookenterprise.com/

Anonim mengatakan...

I enjoyed reading your blog. The entire content is full of relevant facts and information. This made me believe that real content exists today. However, for feasible accounting solutions and efficient management of the business, download QuickBooks. For technical assistance, consult the executives at QuickBooks Support Phone Number 1-844-235-3996.

Anonim mengatakan...

QuickBooks POS is all in one inclusive software with POS billing, inventory management financial accounting and payroll management. However, this software is not devoid of errors. In case when you face any error in your software then simply dial our QuickBooks POS Support Phone Number 1(800)674-9538 and get instant help.For More Visit: https://www.payrollsupportphonenumber.com/qb-pos/

QuickBooksSoftwareSolution mengatakan...

Hi! Wonderful Post. I am not much of an online reader. I hardly post a comment on someone’s blog but after reading your post I couldn’t stop myself from praising your work. Good job. QuickBooks Payroll is acclaimed accounting software. You can get instant help and support at QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number +1-844-233-5335

Tech Customer Support Number mengatakan...

Hey, I have spent qualitative time reading your post. It is informative and precise. Love reading your post. As you know that QuickBooks is a powerful accounting software that makes your accounting and financial tasks easy and simple. Besides, numerous beneficial functionalities, this software is prone to technical errors. One of such error is QuickBooks Error H202. Thus, to get this error or others fix instantly call our experts at QuickBooks Helpline Number +1 833-228-2822 and talk to our experts and avail valuable information for the same.

qb enterprise support number mengatakan...

Finally, I got something that I can call real and that completely could absorb me. I am thankful to the writer of this post. I wish you success and large number of readers and subscribers of your blog. If you ever come across the defective functioning aspects., consider the backing assistance at QuickBooks POS Support 1 (888) 238-7409. Visit us: - https://www.enetquickbookenterprise.com/quickbooks-pos-support/

QuickBooks Support Phone Number mengatakan...

I liked your blog. Your blog as solved all my queries related to the topic. Hope you keep on writing such blogs. If you are using QuickBooks as your desktop accounting software, you might have faced lots of errors. To get solutions for these errors, call us on QuickBooks Contact Number 1-833-441-8848. Our support team will provide you with solutions through the step-by-step process at an affordable rate

Tech Customer Support Number mengatakan...

I would like to update you regarding the reliable technical services available at QuickBooks Support Phone Number +1 833-228-2822. You might contact them 24/7 to get technical aid. The panel of experienced members goes through the problem and brings out simplified possibilities almost instantly.
Read More: QuickBooks Error 80070057

Tech Customer Support Number mengatakan...

QuickBooks Error 6000, 83 is the most time-taking can be easily solved by professionals. Dial QuickBooks Support Phone Number +1 833-228-2822 for 24/7 help.

The Qb Payroll mengatakan...

Are you in a hurry and looking for immediate support to fix your issues with QuickBooks? Do not worry! We are here to help you at our QuickBooks Support Phone Number +1(833)401-0005. For More Visit: http://www.santrasolutions.com/quickbooks-support-phone-number/

The Qb Payroll mengatakan...

QuickBooks POS Support Phone Number

QuickBooks Error Support Phone Number

Blogsilly mengatakan...

When you get a runtime error, keep in mind that it is happening due to programs that are conflicting with each other. The first thing you can do to resolve the problem is to stop these conflicting programs. If you would like to take a shot to Fix Quickbooks Error 9999 yourself, you can continue reading this blog.

Deepa mengatakan...

Nice post.  Salesforce Training Sydney is a best institute.

qb enterprise support number mengatakan...

To reach us, call on QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number +1 (877) 343-4393 and make your accounting software free of errors. We have a team of experienced ProAdvisors who provide an ideal solution after testing it with advanced tools. Visit us: https://www.enetquickbookenterprises.com/

thomas mengatakan...

QuickBooks is an efficient accounting application that has given a lot to the software users. From managing expenses to tracking inventory & estimating payroll. QuickBooks gives reliable assistance to software users.If found trouble? Don’t think much about it, resolve the trouble by dialling on QuickBooks Support Phone Number 855-9O7-O4O6 & connect with our experts.

The Qb Payroll mengatakan...

Facing error trouble in QuickBooks? Dial QuickBooks Customer Service Number 1-833-780-0086 to get reliable assistance. Our QuickBooks expert available on the support gives 24*7 assistance to the QuickBooks user. For More Visit: https://g.page/quickbookssupporttexas?gm

The Qb Payroll mengatakan...

Issues in QuickBooks payroll no longer remain a big deal with the eminent assistance of QuickBooks Proficients. Call QuickBooks Phone Number 1-833-780-0086 , if confronting any sort of errors or other issue in the QuickBooks. For More Visit: https://g.page/quickbooks-support-pennsylvania

thomas mengatakan...

Nice blog!
QuickBooks Customer service Provide you 24*7 Service to our customer while facing issues DialQuickbooks Customer Service Number855-907-0406

thomas mengatakan...

Get QuickBooks Support 24*7 with Our Expert who help you to fix you problem.
Dail on QuickBooks technical Support Phone Number 844-908-0801

thomas mengatakan...

Get QuickBooks Support 24*7 with Our Expert who help you to fix you problem.
Dail on QuickBooks technical Support Phone Number 844-908-0801

thomas mengatakan...

Nice blog!
Facing error while using QuickBooks not to worry get in touch with our expert for issues resolve.
Dial our QuickBooks Support Phone Number +1-844-908-0801

Quickbooks Support mengatakan...

QuickBooks is a great accounting tool if you start you new business or its your old business QuickBooks is the best tool for you.It assists you when you are facing problems and gives you every possible functionality so that you will easily build-up your business,https://www.hawkbuzz.com/quickbooks-customer-service/ contact us and resolve your problems that you are facing while using Quickbooks, our Quickbooks team helps you with many tools and instructions as well as we assist you for specific popular customer issue and review of you business related.you can contact us on @ +1-888885755or you can visit our support page and click help and write your issue that you are facing.

The Qb Payroll mengatakan...

Find difficulty in making direct deposits? Make a call to us at QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number 1-833-780-0086. Our QuickBooks representatives are available to guide in facilitating Direct deposit form. For More Visit: https://bit.ly/2y9dlks

The Qb Payroll mengatakan...

Facing issues in QuickBooks? Dial Phone Number For QuickBooks 1-833-780-0086 to get effective solutions. Our experienced & learned QB experts are available 24*7 to give assistance. For More Visit: https://g.page/qb-support-oregon

Amily mengatakan...

QuickBooks Support Phone Number California
QuickBooks Support Phone Number California

Amily mengatakan...

Nice & Informative Blog !
Users can approach us by calling us at QuickBooks Support Phone Number 1-855-9O7-O4O6. Connect with our skilled & experienced QB professionals for solutions.

thomas mengatakan...

Well explained!
Best accounting software QuickBooks Provide 24*7 live tech support just make a call on the support Number.
Dial QuickBooks Customer Service +1-844-908-0801.

thomas mengatakan...

Well explained!
getting QuickBooks error and any issues ? get in touch with our QuickBooks expert for efficient solution.
Dial QuickBooks Customer Service Phone Number +1-844-908-0801

kevin32 mengatakan...

The reasons resulting in the -6000 problem are quite varied. They are priced between an interfering Firewall and corrupted (.TLG) files to incorrect internet setups or file mismatch. These specific causes result in separate codes for each one making sure that we could differentiate between them easily.
visit: https://www.dialsupportnumber.com/quickbooks-error-code-6000-832/

The Qb Payroll mengatakan...

Don’t become worried about QuickBooks error or any technical issue when QuickBooks POS Support Phone Number 1-833-325-0220 is there to resolve all your concern. Get answers to all your queries & solutions for all problems, from our highly skilled & trained experts.

thomas mengatakan...

QuickBooks Support 24*7 work for the best outcome for there users, if you have any trouble regarding not to worried just talk to Our QuickBooks experts.
Dial QuickBooks Customer Service Phone Number
Do visit for more information: https://g.page/QB-Customer-Number?gm

thomas mengatakan...

Nice Blog!
Know More About QuickBooks error code 1904? Get live support 24*7 from QuickBooks expert on tool-free Number.
Click here to know How to fix QuickBooks error code 1904
Dial for any tech support: 1-844-908-0801

quickbooksdesktoppremiersupport mengatakan...

I really happy found this website eventually. Really informative and inoperative, Thanks for the post and effort! Please keep sharing more such blog.
QuickBooks Desktop Support phone number

thomas mengatakan...

Worried about QuickBooks Support ? Contact to Our QuickBooks Toll free Phone Number for free and get instant solution regarding QuickBooks error.
Dial QuickBooks Toll free Phone Number 1-844-908-0801

Unknown mengatakan...

Well explained and informative blog.
In these challenging times, we urge you to stay home and stay safe and dial QuickBooks Phone Number 1-855-600-4060 whenever you face any technical issue in QuickBooks.

Amily mengatakan...

Well explained and informative blog.
When you come across any query or issues, get it resolved directly from our Qb experts. Need to contact on QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number 1-855-6OO-4O6O.

thomas mengatakan...

Lockdown is running in the whole country due to coronavirus, in such an environment we are committed to provide the best solutions for QuickBooks Support Phone Number.
Know how to fix QuickBooks error 1522 to get in touch.
Dial : 1-844-908-0801,1-844-999-0406.

thomas mengatakan...

nice post!
Worried about QuickBooks error?Get in touch with QuickBooks expert for instant solution.
Click Here to Know How to fix Quickbooks Error 6470 1-844-908-0801

thomas mengatakan...

Lockdown is running in the whole country due to coronavirus, in such an environment we are committed to provide the best solutions for QuickBooks Support Phone Number.
Dial QuickBooks Customer Service Phone Number 1-844-908-0801,1-844-999-0406.

thomas mengatakan...

nice post!
Worried About QuickBooks Support ?Get in touch with QuickBooks expert for instant solution.
Dial QuickBooks Support phone number 1-844-908-0801

thomas mengatakan...

Lockdown is running in the whole country due to coronavirus, in such an environment we are committed to provide the best solutions for QuickBooks Support Phone Number.
Dial Phone Number for QuickBooks to get in touch.
Dial : 1-844-908-0801.

Unknown mengatakan...

Know what are the necessary things you should consider before enabling QuickBooks Direct Deposit Form. If you want to know about the procedure of activating direct deposit, contact at 1-855-662-2O4O.

Unknown mengatakan...

Know what are the necessary things you should consider before enabling QuickBooks Direct Deposit Form. If you want to know about the procedure of activating direct deposit, contact at 1-855-662-2O4O.

kevin32 mengatakan...

QuickBooks Payroll Support Number
QuickBooks POS Support Number
QuickBooks Pro Support Number
QuickBooks Enterprise Support Number
QuickBooks Technical Support Number
QuickBooks Tech Support Number

Blogsilly mengatakan...

QuickBooks Support Phone Number
QuickBooks Tech Support Number
QuickBooks Technical Support Number
QuickBooks Payroll Support Number

QuickBooks mengatakan...

Worried About QuickBooks Support ?Get in touch with QuickBooks expert for instant solution.
Dial QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number +1-888-603-9404

QuickBooks mengatakan...

nice post!
Worried About QuickBooks Support ?Get in touch with QuickBooks expert for instant solution.
Dial QuickBooks POS Support Phone Number +1-888-603-9404
Dial on QuickBooks toll-free Number for instant solution +1-888-603-9404

QuickBooks mengatakan...

nice post!
Worried About QuickBooks Error ?Get in touch with QuickBooks expert for instant solution.
Dial QuickBooks Payroll support Phone Number +1-888-603-9404

QuickBooks mengatakan...

nice post!
Worried About QuickBooks Support ?Get in touch with QuickBooks expert for instant solution.
Dial QuickBooks Support Phone Number +1-888-603-9404
Dial on QuickBooks Toll-free Number +1-888-603-9404

Anonim mengatakan...

Do you need help with QuickBooks POS issues? So get connected with our experienced and certified experts at QuickBooks POS Support Phone Number +1(844)233-3O33 and find answers to all your queries affiliated to the software. Our team of experts assist you the way you want the moment you want.

Anonim mengatakan...

Due to the occurrence of issues in QuickBooks from now and then you are facing lots of drawbacks, right? Not anymore!! As we are here for you, just make a call at QuickBooks Support Phone Number USA +1(844)233-3033 and make a way out of such a situation easily with the help of experts

Anonim mengatakan...

Let experts handle all your issues with QuickBooks POS efficiently. As our experts work round the clock just to provide you instant and eminent support the moment you need so just dial QuickBooks POS Support Phone Number +1(844)233-3033 and avail

Anonim mengatakan...

With 24/7 availability and experience, our team can help you out any time and with anything affiliated with QuickBooks. So when you stuck with any of the issues don’t keep yourself entangled in it reach us at Access QuickBooks Payroll Support +1-855-533-6333 to get instant and effective solutions and eliminate the problem at the root level. Call us now!
Quickbooks Enterprise Support Phone Number +1-855-533-6333
Quickbooks Support Phone Number +1-855-533-6333

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Quickbooks Error Support Phone Number mengatakan...

QuickBooks is a software program that makes managing the finances of a small business or a large business easy. It can be used by people with no accounting background, or people who have years of experience in the field. If you face any issue in this software and are looking for a quickbooks technical support department you can reach our quickbooks customer service team.

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Alex joo mengatakan...

Drawings in accounting are a type of transaction that is used to represent the drawing of money out of business for personal or non-profit use.